• Mon - Sat: 8:00 Am - 9:00 Pm


Woman Wellness

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To love yourself is to take care of yourself.

Services offered: - 

Women under 40: 

  • Consultation with OBG specialist.
  • Pap smear / cervical cancer screening 
  • Ultrasound breast (with specialist ultrasonologist). 

Women over 40: 

  • Consultation with OBG specialist.
  • Pap smear / cervical cancer screening.
  • Ultrasound pelvis, ultrasound breast, and mammogram (with specialist in imaging / radiology).

Preconception screening: 

  • Consultation with OBG specialist. 
  • Lab investigations (CBC, blood sugar , blood group with Rh factor, thyroid profile).
  • Immune profile (Rubella antibody,Varicella antibody).
  • Specialised investigations -  transvaginal ultrasound. 

Fertility screening: 

  • Consultation with OBG specialist.
  • Lab investigations (LH, FSH, Prolactin, Glucose tolerance test, Insulin resistance test, HbA1c,  Anti Mullerian hormone, Thyroid profile)
  • Specialised investigation-Trans vaginal Ultrasound,Tubal patency test / HSG in conjunction with radiologist. 

Adolescent Wellness: 

  • Puberty & Adolescent care and counselling for young girls.
  • Vaccination - Cervical cancer vaccine (HPV vaccine)